
Fredric Koenig Mansion
- 2010
c.1870 – 1897 Classical Revival
National Register of
Historic Places, Coldspring Park Historic District
■ Mayor’s
Urban Design Award, 2010
Restore front porch,
built-in gutter, cornice, columns &
balustrade to 1897
reconstruction in Classical Revival style.
Restore rear porch roof,
built-in gutter & ornament to 1870’s stick.
Philip Dornuf Saloon and Residence
1886 Stick Style
■ Cream Of
The Cream City Award, 2006
Exterior restoration to include: concept, design and layout of
banded and diamond roof pattern. Replicate and install five types of
wall siding, beveled, notched, scallop, octagon butt singles and
diagonal car siding. Conceive and develop appropriate main gable
detail, and faux windows as security panels in bulkhead and first
floor openings. Remove infill and re-glaze storefront with large plate
glass. Design and construct double entry doors based upon side door
(discovered between exterior board up and interior paneling.) Remove
single door and infill to recreate two leaf entrance with transom.
Design and construct gable over flat roofed east addition Rebuild
entire south corner of tower.
Replace all water-table & apron. Repair/replace stick work,
casings, brackets, cornices & dentils in three sizes.
Replicate tower gable fan. Create color scheme & placement.
Frederic Rossman Saloon & Apartments
1894 Eastlake
■ Mayor’s
Urban Design Award, 2005
Replace missing sections of interior wainscot in pine, grain paint
original wainscot to match. Demolish concrete block storefront infill.
Redesign first floor transom through bulk-head including concept &
fabrication of frieze with running scroll.
Create secondary entry door to match original, repairs to apartment
entry. Repair metal store cornice, bay & pediment, design & create
leaded glass window, period name plate & Just Jazz & Blues
signs. Color scheme & placement.
Julily Kohler
Commercial complex in various period styles
Engberg Anderson Architects
National Register of Historic Places, Brady Street Historic
■ Cream Of
The Cream City Award, 1998
Redesign rooflines and fenestration to better exemplify commercial
buildings from 1850’s through 1920’s. Conceive, design and create all
exterior ornament in various brackets, pattern shingles, cornice
moldings, two hemispheres and date plaque.